38cm Natural Cotton Canvas Hangers w/Chrome Clips - Sold 10/20/50

$29.95 AUD

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Bundles of 10 - ($29.95)
Bundles of 20 - ($55.95)
Bundles of 50 - ($109.95)

Optimise your closet organization and garment maintenance with these stylish cotton canvas hangers featuring sleek chrome clips. The gentle padding and sturdy bow, paired with a durable swiveling chrome hook, elevate your wardrobe to the next level. Experience a sophisticated and fashionable closet upgrade with these hangers!


    • Extra Thick Natural Cotton Canvas
    • Polished Chrome Hardware
    • 38cm Long; 30mm Thickness
    • Flat Body
    • Space-saving design
    • Decorative Satin Bow
    • Chrome Clips with soft pads inside